BeefBasis Tools / Calculators
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- Value of Gain / Ownership
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This page contains the following helpful information for users of the BeefBasis Value of Gain - Stocker tool.
The Stocker VOG tool uses BeefBasis analytics to forecast current and future local cash prices ($ per cwt) and values ($ per head) for a steer or heifer. First, select a beginning date and initial weight for the animal and then choose a projected rate of daily gain (ADG) and desired sale location for the price projections. Based on these inputs, the Stocker VOG tool calculates a projected local cash price for the animal at the beginning date and 6 dates in the future.
The future weight is calculated at each 30-day interval using the user-selected daily gain. (For example, a 500 pound animal with a daily gain of 2.0 would be projected to weigh 560 lbs. after 30 days, 620 after 60 days, etc.). Estimates of future prices and values incorporate information from deferred futures contracts and the future weight of the animal.
Each row of the table represents a 30-day period. The tool calculates and displays the total increase in value of the animal over the 30-day period (VOG Per Period) and the increase in value per pound gained by the animal (VOG Per CWT is equal to Total VOG divided by pounds gained). The muscling score, and frame score used in the calculations are the most common muscling and frame score for the auction yard you selected. It is also assumed that the lot contains 10 head.
The Stocker VOG tools allows the user to analyze and compare the value created by adding additional weight to cattle and marketing them at a future date. In combination with information about the cost of gain (COG), this information can help a producer decide whether and for how long it may be profitable to retain and feed their cattle.
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Input/adjust the average daily gain you expect the animal(s) to achieve; values between 1 and 5 are typical.
The first date at which you might sell the animal(s).
The sex of the animal(s) being marketed.
The state location for an auction where you might market the animal(s).
The specific auction location where you might market the animal(s).
First Calculated Sell Date.
Input/adjust the average daily gain you expect the animal(s) to achieve; values between 1 and 5 are typical.
The forecasted cash price you should expect for the animal(s); based on sell date, weight, and specified location.
The value of the animal at the selected location, calculated weight, and forecast price (i.e., Expected Cash Price * Weight).
Value of Gain is simply the additional revenue received by feeding the animal(s) for a longer period divided by the extra pounds added to the animal.
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The value of gain achieved for the feeding period. That is, the marginal revenue between the last feeding period and the indicated period divided by the marginal weight gain between the last feeding period and the indicated period.
The value of gain (expected additional revenue) for feeding the animal up to the indicated out (sell) date and weight.